Silly me.. :P

15 October, 2010 | ~ Ann ~ | 3 Comments

Silly me Art by Akindo

Dua tiga hari ni, badan masih tak sihat :( . Mengharapkan kesihatan yang baik, dan dimurahkan rezeki, Amin. Dua tiga hari ni juga, ada banyak perkara bermain difikiran, yes one of them is to privatise my hearty blog. I did to the blogspot and I finally realise I should have done that many months ago. Silly me is how we regret the things thats already happen in the past.

Blogging is not safe, we show the world the dark secret hidden deep within our strange heart and mind, we make people see what kind of person we are, we take risks letting people know who we are in and out. For us to be that naive and too open, Silly me is how we expect people to accept us just the way we are without being judgemental.

Sometimes in life, there are things that worth everything to try and take risks for, many is just a silly thought driven by stupid heart conscious, of wanting something more that what you, in the end of the day cannot be in charge of, incapable of taking full control of how it would turn to, or how they would behave. But somehow this “thing” do have good impact to our indecent life on earth. Silly me will only see this as another opportunity to break the rule and have fun doing it.

I always believe in possibility, of everything good and bad always happen for a reason, for a purpose. But what is there to explain when we playing with the heart of good people, of making life harder than it should be, of grabbing the smiles from everyone surrounding in fulfillment of our own mean desire? True, to do very well and to be near perfection is too much to ask from a simple being, a me. Still silly me when we just keep fighting it inside and remain silent.

Of all the many regret I have, I can’t help to let myself stand and say how sorry I am for always being a silly me, but that just the way I am. And for the many moments I have on earth, I still love being that silly. If only you know.

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  1. Johari Hamzah says:

    cun nyer awek dlm gmbr 2.. saper 2???

    anyway i like when u become silly.. =p
    Johari Hamzah gosip gosip..Terima Kasih SahabatMy ComLuv Profile


    ~ Ann ~ Reply:

    ntahla sapa.

    hehe.. thankssss!


  2. tehr says:

    ann, buat apa saja untuk gembirakan hati
    asal saja tak mengganggu ketenteraman orang lain
    dan tak menyalahi undang2
    dan tak susahkan diri sendiri
    tehr gosip gosip..Pasar Minggu Pagi Jumaat Di Wakaf BharuMy ComLuv Profile


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