Anastasia Ann

I ♥♥ Blogging! This is My Ideal-Plastic World.

You Again!!

Hi semua!! Tinggal dua hari nak duduk Sabah ni, so mulalah aku kodek sana, kodek sini cari kerja.. Kemurungan melanda.. Hukhukhuk.. Ok sebenarnya nak cerita, pasni jangan heran aku duk buat entry untuk nuffnang, since aku da ada kat sana, aku nak jugak bersosial dengan para bloggers in any event nanti. hehe.

So bila buka website Nuffnang, tetiba nampak iklan yang very the catchy.. Uwaaaaaaaaaa.. You Again!! Dan good newsnya. Nuffnang bermurah hati nak sponsor TIKET FREE untuk tengok wayang ni  22 Oktober 2010 nanti di Curve. Free awak free! Pair pulak tu, bolehlah ajak sesapa dating.. kehkehkeh

And whats the deal? Yes, pandai pun korang kan, of course kena buat satu story that sound so much or less like this:

Tell us about a person whom you didn’t really like in your past. He/She can be the nasty classmate who kept stealing your Hello Kitty erasers, the senior who kept stuffing you into rubbish bins, or anyone else who has made your life unpleasant in the past.


Do you remember you first day at work for you very first job ever? Remember how you knees trembling, your voice stuck in your neck and you have the butterfly in your stomach? How you wish, just wish everyone will be nice to you, accept you with open arms, and you don’t have to pretend in effort to pleased your new colleague? Wish your new place will be at ease and peace forever, where no politics or stereotypes allowed ?

But what do you get? In reality.. No such thing as happy ending, forever and ever. There must be obstacle that will pull you back far from happiness and success. And yeah, to make it short. On my own very first day to work, there is this old lady, a spinster, age around 3+ close to 40. She is not my interviewer, so I never saw her before. Urghh if only I know.. She is my trainer, my temporary supervisor.


Imagine my first day, having a supervisor with a scary face describing something like “what look look, I know I am beautiful kalah siti nurhaliza, kahkahkah!, I am smart kalah einstein, kahkahkah!, and I am the boss, urgghhh!“, also hidung tinggi kalah pinochio, poyo nak mampus cam nak makan orang, kau siap kau!!, ok thats my additional description. hehe. Thats not a good way to start a day in a new place kan?

So written in my offer letter, account clerk cum admin assistant, doing accounting job and some office administration. Stick to that, thinking, well not bad for a first timer, plus the salary is very attractive considering that I am still studying. Admin huh.. Now I ask you guys laaah.. what exactly an admin do?

Is it Early morning, come at 8.00 am even the office hours start at 9am? Take the kain lap wipe all the windows? Sapu-sapu sampah in a carpet floor where you cannot use vacuum because its a waste of electricity? Clear all the rubbish bin, change the toilet paper and  clean the toilet before everyone come to work?? Erkkkss isn’t that a cleaner job??

Or maybe is it taking over everything and everyone job all at once so that they can have they mangkuk tingkap meeting to badmouth the new manager? Or to kemaruk-ly flirt with the young Indonesian security guard? Heloooo I am not a robot okay! But I told myself, sabar sabar sabar.. Just do the job she asked.. Ok fine. so I do well. Imagine having to come at 8am to go back at 8pm, just to ensure that in the end of the day, whenever I did her job well, she get all the praise and attention and thank you and well done and good job?? what the f**k!

*Google pic

While me, still the very stupid girl, very slow learner, cannot do anything right yet to the manager? And she can yell at me with no reason whenever she is in bad mood or she got her PMS, Oh damn I wish everyday you cepat cepat menopous. Even the smallest spelling error that nobody will ever notice, she make it seem like one major disaster that will destroy the entire universe had just happen. OMG, OMG do you even know that this is only my first time?

I never imagine in my lifetime I will meet someone so Cerewet, so kepoh kepoci, so crazy like that. If she do her job perfectly well tu tak apa lah! No salah, if she even do her job SENDIRI pun ok wat?! She is everything right, everything correct, she is the MISS PERFECT!! All the best is her doing, All the fault always goes to me, me, me and me. I don’t understand how can she treat people so bad just because she is in charge?  Abusing her position just to make sure, she kena puji sampai kembang bontot saiz XXXXXL, while other is suffering?? ergggh . What is sooooo damn wrong with her?? Is she even a human being?? No wonder no man wanted her, no wonder she is the admin assistant for like foreveeer here. huh!

3 Months working there is like a long 3000 years living in hell to me. And so I hate that sot sot crazy aunty soo much, until one day I let all my temper go and straight away get her, saying ” I have enough of you, you B*tch.. I Quit!”  Grrrrrr.. And I don’t even want to remember or put that company name in my resume, even if they have a great reputation and potential. But that just the story of few years back..

Suddenly 1 year ago, while waiting for the end of my notice in my second job, my boss tell me that my replacement will come on Monday, so now be ready, clear everything, wrap everything, pass everything.. Smilling happily in excitement, I can’t wait the day to arrive. (So malas nak buat keja already, haha).

And so its Monday, I came early to work. Semangat betul! But you know what, I can’t believe my eyes.. Blink once, blink twice. Oh My God, Youwwww.. YOU AGAIN??!! uwaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! OMG OMG OMG, its that witch again.. Flashback flashback. Euwwwww.. So creepy. She’s the ghost from the past that haunt me down.

Google pic

But hey hey hey.. Look at the bright side, NOW I am the trainer, I am the boss. kehkehkeh.. Its PAYBACK Time! phewww..  Serve you right, Serve you right, Serve you right!! huhuhahahehe (keluar tanduk devil aku).. Yups, now you know God do exist right? Now you see how powerful the prayers of the oppressed, right? That’s why they said: Bila kau diatas, kau jangan sekali-sekali berlagak! You never know the future. One time you at the top, the next you falling apart.  If you so stupid that you don’t know that fate can eventually twist, you should at least know by now that whatever you give you will always always always get back.. kahkahkah.

Oh by the way, still I believe my payback is not as bad as what she does to me not so long time ago. Because if I do, that makes the two of us -> she=witch, me=witch, both=witches.. ewwwwww. Afterall she is a GOLD aka SENIOR CITIZEN liao, kahkahkah. I pun tak sampai hati tau.. well, I am still a very good girl okay.. Peace!!

Ehemm.. ngah fikir nak ajak sapa kalau lucky enough dapat tiket ni.. haha. berangan lagi!!

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October 8th, 2010

~ Ann ~


9 to “You Again!!”

  1. tehr says:

    sekali kat atas
    sekali kat bawah
    biasa la tu ann
    dunia memang macam tu

    harap2 boleh dapat tiket tu
    tehr gosip gosip..Lagu Rasmi Negeri MelakaMy ComLuv Profile


    ~ Ann ~ Reply:

    yeah.. thanksssssss tehr.


  2. Sumijelly says:

    wah…akhirnya…buat jugak..
    good luck la yek..
    harap2 dpt la tgk hehehe


  3. Johari Hamzah says:

    hehe.. so what u did to ur trainer(the old witch)? hehe..
    Johari Hamzah gosip gosip..Kemana Arah TujuMy ComLuv Profile


    ~ Ann ~ Reply:

    hehe.. biarlah rahsia.


    Johari Hamzah Reply:

    haha.. mesti best kan.. baru dia thu langit nie tinggi ke rendah. :)
    Johari Hamzah gosip gosip..Kemana Arah TujuMy ComLuv Profile


  4. Johari Hamzah says:

    haha.. xyah pikir2 nak ajak saper… :)
    aku kan ada.. hehe..
    Johari Hamzah gosip gosip..Kemana Arah TujuMy ComLuv Profile


    ~ Ann ~ Reply:

    kehkehkeh.. nak dating ngn akuuuuuu???!!!


    Johari Hamzah Reply:

    bleh jew kalau ko nak belanja.. =p
    Johari Hamzah gosip gosip..Kemana Arah TujuMy ComLuv Profile


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