Anastasia Ann

My Strange World, Just another story to tell.

Archive for the ‘Motivasi’

Say something :P

Credit We often make people believe that we are good, we are fine, we are okay when we are actually not. Today I read something about Self believe. Yes, its true. Self believe. I admit that I have conflict in my mind where sometimes I feel like I am myself, but many times also I [...]

Tips tarik trafik guna SEO?? Kelemahanku.

Terlintas satu niat dihati (harap-harap jangan hangat-hangat taik ayam lagi!), ingin cuba mendalami ilmu blogging yang seringkali kulihat merata-rata time rajin blogwalk. INGIN CUBA ya kawan-kawan. Tadi aku blogwalk ke blog AizatShafiq yang kurasakan amat hebat sekali. Dia banyak berkongsi akan tips tips untuk menarik trafik guna kuasa SEO ni. Apa kata korang belek belek [...]

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