Anastasia Ann

I ♥♥ Blogging! This is My Ideal-Plastic World.

Permata diantara kaca..

Hi hi hi.. Selamat berhujung minggu! Oh sememangnya hari yang terbest best best best sekali. weheee. Semalam aku tidur mengalahkan baby, kepenatan yang tak terkira setelah berminggu tak lena tidur. Bangun lewat plak tu, hehe. Tapi badan segar, minda sihat, hati pun senang. So, aku bangun jer, kemas umah, mop sana mop sini, sapu sana sapu sini, lap sana lap sini, cuci sana cuci sini.. Fuhh masih bersemangat waja nak buat kerja.

3jam jer, hampir selesai semua kerja bertangguh selama seminggu, tinggal nak lipat kain jer lagi, then selesailah sudah. Haip! Hari ni aku masak tau, ayam masak halia, my favourite, sedaaaaaaaap. ececeh kunonlah. Haha. Sedap tak sedap, telan jer la. At least aku dah masak kan kan kan.

Masuk bilik terlihat beg yang penuh dengan kertas kerja dari office, huwaaaaaaaaa terus semangat down mendadak. Alahai, bencinya mengenangkan satu sen yang tak balance tu. Nak cari, malas. Nak siapkan, tak larat. So aku fikir, hari ni hari cuti, no need to think of that silly office work. I already spend 5 days everyday go back late buat kerja tu, today is my time break.

Sebenarnya kan, kerja aku ni takdelah susah stress sangat. Cuma yang jadi masalahnya tu, aku sebenarnya sudah lupa akan segala-galanya tentang akaun, I mean full set of account. My previous2 job does not require me to handle full set, just partially and the process is so much easier. I do everything but no month end closing since we have our accountant coming over every 2 months.

And so, I called one of my matriculation lecturer, asking for good advice and opinion. She suggest me, try recall everything back, well I used to be a very good student, sure can apply it in a real world. Tak payah belajar akaun tu sampai degree, hanya yang basic saja then later on, I will figure it out. Wow, suddenly that open my mind. Ya laaa, even whatever I learn in my degree course dulu pun doesn’t apply in reality. They just full of theory and facts that I don’t even understand why we really actually need to learn about it. Practically, nobody will ever ask you who this person and that person, that historic theory pun kan.

I try search more info online to refresh my memory, but seem like I prefer kalau ada hard copy nak baca. Asyik tengok computer, boleh rabun aku macamni. euwwwww. Petang ni ingat nak g shopping sikit, tu pun kalau jadilah. See how la! Now back to chores. Huh aku memang boleh jadi makcik cleaner yang berjaya camni. ekekeke. Adios!

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December 12th, 2010

~ Ann ~



3 to “Permata diantara kaca..”

  1. Shey Hensem says:

    acc is one of my favourite subject , tp sekarang dah tak ingat langsung ! horaayyy :D
    Shey Hensem gosip gosip..Hajat di Hati !My ComLuv Profile


  2. tehr says:

    hari cuti pikir pasal cuti je, ann
    nanti hari kerja, baru la pikir pasal kerja
    kan? kan? :D
    tehr gosip gosip..Sayur Oh SayurMy ComLuv Profile


  3. fendidahada says:

    kena brush up balik la ilmu2 lama tu..hehe…i will learn account in my last year study…huhu..takut2
    fendidahada gosip gosip..Dendam KesumatMy ComLuv Profile


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